The auto industry is facing a disruptive transformation. Not only digital technologies are altering production, also the introduction of technological advances in autonomous navigation, connectivity, electrification of propulsion systems and smart materials, along with new concepts of mobility and sustainability, are aspects of the major challenges faced by this industry, forcing manufacturers to make huge investments in innovation, research and development to increase the added value of their products.
In response to these challenges, AMAI is a joint initiative of Instituto Superior Técnico and the association of the Portuguese automotive cluster, MOBINOV, aimed at tying education and research priorities to the multiple perspectives of practical technological growth of auto industry.
AMAI’s mission is to engage the scientific and university system with industrial and business partners, policy makers and the general public to respond to the critical issues faced by the automotive industry. Through a set of practical and structuring actions, we aim at contributing to the qualification of the automotive sector with impact on a long term sustainable development, recognition and competitiveness of the national automotive cluster in the global market.